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mitochondria support supplements

A Guide to Mitochondrial Support Supplements

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Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cells in our body. It breaks down fatty acids and carbohydrates to form energy, which is then available as Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Progressive functioning impairment in the mitochondria leads to rapid aging, and mitochondrial dysfunction is known to be the cause of many health ailments such as diabetes, heart issues, and neurological disorders.

Many people consume mitochondrial support supplements to improve mitochondria functioning at the cellular level, and fight fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome(CIRS), diabetes, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), or neurodegenerative diseases.

Research also links adrenal fatigue to mitochondrial dysfunction. Adrenal fatigue is when the body is short of energy throughout the day. The individual may feel burned out, non-refreshed, and may have trouble sleeping.

Mitochondrial support supplements not only counter mitochondrial dysfunction but also treats many other ailments present in the body.

Maintaining Mitochondrial Health

Following an anti-inflammatory diet plan or changing the eating pattern over time improves the functioning of mitochondria. Adopt these healthy eating habits and see how you can feel healthiest and most energetic.

  • Reduce the sugar intake. The more sugar you consume, the harder it is for the mitochondria to break it down to produce energy.
  • Increase the intake of leafy vegetables rich in sulfur. This helps the body make glutathione, which plays an important role in improving cellular health.
  • Mitochondria produce ATP by breaking down both carbohydrates and fatty acids. However, producing ATP by disintegrating fats leads to fewer radicals. Hence, it is best to increase the intake of healthy fat to improve mitochondrial health.
  • Regular exercise in any amount and form is essential for healthy mitochondrial functioning.
  • One unusual way to enhance mitochondrial functioning is the cold blast. Just 30 seconds of a cold shower can instantly boost your body’s energy.

Mitochondrial Support Supplements

1. Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Acetyl-L-Carnitine

Alpha-lipoic is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, used to treat issues related to diabetes such as vascular complications and neuropathies. Acetyl-L-Carnitine helps the body transport fatty acids to mitochondria, which helps in the production of ATP. Both these mitochondrial support supplements are often used together for enhanced effect.

In a double-blind study, 36 individuals with coronary artery disease received either ALA and ALC treatment or placebo treatment for 8 weeks. The ALA and ALC or active treatment improved brachial artery diameter, metabolic syndrome, and reduced systolic blood pressure.

2. Co-Q 10

Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant agent, which also increases energy levels and decreases fatigue in the body. This mitochondrial support supplement is extremely useful for the treatment of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The deficiency of this supplement in the body can be directly related to low ATP formation and increased oxidative stress, both of which can severely harm the body.

Research proves the effectiveness of Co-Q 10 in the longevity of individuals as it guards body cells against oxidative stress.

3. Resveratrol

Resveratrol protects the body against metabolic diseases, increases the formation of ATP, and removes amyloid-beta peptides found in patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

In a study, 11 healthy, obese individuals were treated with either a placebo supplement or 150 mg per day of resveratrol supplement for 30 days. After the trial, it was observed that active supplement individuals had decreased resting and sleeping metabolic rates, increased PGC-1α and PGC-1α levels, citrate synthase activity, and enhanced muscle mitochondrial respiration. Overall, the study concluded that resveratrol could improve metabolism in individuals.

4. NAC

N-acetyl cysteine is an antioxidant, which also increases intracellular glutathione in the body. The use of intracellular glutathione is to help in the reduction of oxidative stress in the body.

When NAC supplement was fed to rats with brain injury, it restored calcium uptake activity, energy coupling capacity, and mitochondrial electron transfer. The intake also decreased calcium absorbed by the mitochondrial membrane. The researchers concluded that the NAC restored mitochondrial dysfunction caused due to traumatic brain injury in the rats.

5. Vitamin E

Vitamin E comes with antioxidant properties, which help in reducing mitochondrial dysfunction and subsequent aging and effectively counters Parkinson’s disease and neurodegeneration.

Due to oxidative damage and impaired electron transfer, the risks of aging and neurodegenerative diseases also increase. Administration of Vitamin E in such cases is known to reduce oxidative damage and improve mitochondrial functioning in many rat models. It also increases longevity and improves neurological functioning.


Healthy mitochondrial functioning leads to an energetic and healthy body. However, when this functioning is impaired, our body can be exposed to many health ailments. Improvement in mitochondrial functioning can be achieved by consuming the above-mentioned mitochondrial support supplements. These mitochondrial support supplements are also known to help counter various diseases, which are directly or indirectly related to mitochondrial dysfunction.

We recommend adhering to the dose and direction of use given on the supplement packet. If you have any serious health issues, consult your doctor before consuming any of these supplements.

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